Home Cleaning – Begin with the End in Mind

“Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you.”
–Dr. Stephen R. Covey
We all want to make progress in our lives. Most human beings have this desire. Today, people are working very hard but do not seem to be making much progress. This creates a level of frustration that further exasperates the situation.
Let’s examine a principle that is essential to achieving something. We can investigate the concept of “begin with the end in mind”. This principle is expressed as Habit Number Two in the Famous book by Stephen Covey titled “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” (a book we highly recommend).

Fun fact, as of this writing, it is the 32nd anniversary of the publishing of this book on effectiveness wisdom. Stephen Covey presented 7 habits in a book published in 1989, and he described these 7 habits as timeless and universal.
The book has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide.
House Cleaning – Begin with the End in Mind
Begin with the End in Mind means to think out the result – envision specifically and clearly how you want things to look in your thoroughly cleaned and organized room or area. Forming a clear vision of your desired outcome is fundamental to the achievement of your desire outcome. Before you start, envision the result.
Your vision of the outcome defines who you are and puts your organization and cleaning goals in focus. To realize the destination means that you first create the picture in your mind, which then propels you to move your ideas forward in the real world. You are the leader of your own life. You create and control your living environment. Take the first step in taking control of your home living environment by envisioning it clean and well organized.
Here are some tips.
Begin with the End in Mind – One Step at a Time
Take one room or area at a time. Break the ultimate objective into smaller, more manageable pieces. It is much easier work to organize and clean one room at a time. It is also much easier to envision the desired outcome one room at a time.
Achieve Higher Levels (with the end in mind)
Look for other opportunities to make things move toward your desired outcome which may be an even higher level. Perhaps a wall needs some minor repair. Envision it done! Perhaps there is something that you no longer need acting (more than acting, it is) like clutter. Envision it gone! Maybe you need to change things up a bit with some new lighting. Imaging the new lighting in place.
If You Need Help – Ask
Get some help. Sometimes you may need a bit of help. Habit 7 is to use your resources. In the book, it is called “Sharpen the Saw”. What this means is that you tap into the highest and best contribution of everyone on your team. You build and unlocking the full strength of your team. What is that you say? I don’t have a house-cleaning team. Well, imagine that you do. You can add a team member to help you out. A Clean Vision can become part of your house-cleaning team and we will be happy to be part of your team.
If you do need some help with cleaning your home or office, give us a call at 802-295-6065. We can relieve the stress of cleaning, save you some time and help to make your home or office a more pleasant place to be.