Our up-front initial statement is that working from home keeps you and others safe and this is a top priority. To stay at home will protect (save) others and this is important for our society.
The COVID-19 situation continues to expand and impact more aspects of our lives. It has become a global pandemic the likes of which we haven’t seen often in the history of mankind. However, despite the availability of facts and figures related to this crisis, some still do not seem to be taking it seriously. For those of you who are taking it seriously and working from home here are some tips.
We have some difficult times ahead of us and staying at home is what many of us can do to ensure we survive this.
Working from home is not the same as working at the office. Things are different. Here are a few crucial things you must remember in order to be both safe and productive during this time of crisis.
1. Create a Productive Atmosphere
- Set up a desk or a table and treat it like your desk at work.
- Do not make your bed your home office workplace.
- If you work from a poorly set up place (bed or couch for example) you will not be as productive as you could be and you may even end up with a sore back.
- Set up a nice, productive area to do your work. Try to make this environment distraction-free. Do not do your work in front of the TV for example.
Also, consider if you need to do a bit of self-isolation at home. If you are working from home it still may be appropriate for you to be isolated for much of your workday. Let others in your family know that you are not on vacation – you are working and you need to be productive and this means to minimize the distractions. At home, self-isolation will keep people safer and make you more productive.
2. Clear Your Work Area
The room or place that you choose to work in should be clean. If it happens to be the same room you sleep in, make your bed when you get up and organize the room for work. This will eliminate any urges to go back to bed for a quick nap when you’re tired.
3. Ensure Proper lighting
Natural light is always good for us. If you have windows in the room, that’s great! Natural lighting not only keeps you active but it also kills germs.
If you don’t have natural lighting, however, make sure you set up the room to have sufficient light. It should be enough to work comfortably but not so bright as to be distracting.
4. Consider Aromatics
This idea is completely optional but it may enhance your work-at-home environment. A pleasant aromatics – one that you enjoy – will simply put, make your at-home work environment more pleasant.
You can choose to have candles, flowers, or even a desk plant. Go with whatever works for you.
Many people who have worked from home for years have had a chance to experiment with their work environment. They know what works for them and what doesn’t. People who are new to this have not had the chance to refine what works best for them.
We, at A Clean Vision, want to stress the importance of setting up a nice, clean, and pleasant work environment. Give it some thought we may have more than a few more weeks of this.
5. Establishing Guidelines and Systems
Systems always make you productive, and I am a huge believer in establishing systems for yourself. Set up systems that help you to be productive, and that helps to reduce cabin fever.
Here are some ideas:
- Set fixed working hours.
- Inform others in your household (who may be at home too) what your work schedule will be. Make them aware that you are at home but that you still need to get your job done.
- If you will still be communicating with your co-workers then set up the means to do this. Will you have a 9:00 AM meeting every day? Will it be by phone call, conference call, Zoom, etcetera?
- If your co-workers, who are also working from home, need to know your schedule then inform them.
- Just because you are working from home take your regular breaks. Have a nice lunch. Don’t over-work yourself. Do what makes sense. Be disciplined.
- Establish how to best communicate with your boss. Let him/her know that you respect their time but that there may be a need for you to contact them. How will this be done? Establish the system and ground rules.
- You may also want to define what kind of communication channel is to be used for what purpose.
6. Be There for Each Other
Sometimes, isolation can also lead to stress and loneliness. We’re not all wired the same way. Give a fellow co-worker a call just to check-in. You may even want to schedule a video call check-in with the co-workers you normally would see every day.
You may want to take the initiative on this. It will be good in the long run for the team you regularly work with.
7. Do You Have Some Extra Free Time?
Working from home during the COVID-19 situation may also result in less of a workload. After all, business activity has been reduced. If you find yourself with some more time then think of some topics you want to learn more about.
Use the extra time to learn a new skill!
- Read a business book
- Take an online course
- Study something on YouTube
- Practice with some important software
8. Exercise
If you are a regular exerciser then not going to the gym can be a big issue. Substitute going to the gym with some in-home exercising.
If you can keep proper social distancing and take a walk from your home then the fresh air and the walk will be a great activity.
7. Maintain a Healthy Perspective – Do not panic!
Do not hoard supplies. This won’t fix the problem; it will only create more panic in yourself and others.
Know that others may need something more than you. When we are in panic mode, our brains stop functioning normally and our survival instincts go into overdrive. However, that is not the right way to tackle this pandemic. You must remain calm and remember these basics:
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Sneeze and cough into a tissue and then throw it away.
- Avoid crowds and standing near others.
- Stay at home as much as possible, especially if you’re sick.
- Follow the advice given by your local health authority if you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.

COVID-19 and Tips for Working from Home Conclusion
It’s a hard time we’re going through, and it may get worse before it gets better.
We all need to make sure we stay informed, fight the myths and misinformation, and keep our heads. Keep your loved ones close and educated on the latest facts.
Remember friends, this isn’t a normal time. Everyone is stressed because of the COVID-19 situation. We need to stand together and fight this without panicking.