11 Tips for Efficient and Effective Home Cleaning

Everyone loves a clean and organized home, but most of us hate to clean. Cleaning your home quickly and efficiently is a significant advantage, even if you love to clean!
How, might you ask?
Here are some house cleaning tips that we think will help you to clean your home quickly and effectively.
If given the time to think about it, many people could be confused about some basic principles. For example, what should be done first; vacuum the floor or dust the furniture? Is it better to clean the kitchen before the bathroom, or could you efficiently clean both simultaneously?
Here is some advice on becoming more efficient at cleaning your home. With an increase in efficiency comes a decrease in the time needed to clean your house.
Efficiency Increasing Home Cleaning Advice
1. Single-Task Cleaning
Have you ever considered cleaning the whole house for a single task rather than cleaning one room at a time?
For example, pick a tack such as dusting. You will then select everything you need to dust surfaces. You will not have to put all the tools for effective dusting down to mop the floor.
If you vacuum, you can stay focused on vacuuming and not have to focus on dusting.
Your cleaning efficiency will increase by selecting one task (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) and performing this specific cleaning task in every room. This approach will be more efficient when compared to cleaning the bathrooms, then the kitchen, and finally the bedrooms.
A single-task multi-room approach is more efficient. Psychologically, there is an advantage as well as you will not feel that you are in an “endless” loop.
2. Use A Cleaning Caddy
Cleaning efficiency means you do not stop to look for something you need. Keep everything you need for your specific cleaning task in one portable place. This will cut down on time spent looking for the tools you need. Moreover, you will not have to think about gathering them for the next time cleaning is necessary.
3. Declutter First
Before you start cleaning, declutter the areas you will be cleaning.
The decluttering process will also require you to make some key decisions.
- Where will you put it away?
- Is this item no longer useful, and can it be donated?
- Is this item no longer useful, and can it be thrown away?
4. Dust and Vacuum
If you have ceiling fans, turn them off before the start of any dusting. Focus dusting on the tops of furniture and the undersides of shelves, picture frames, knickknacks, and TV screens. For areas that are hard to reach, such as blinds or upper shelves, use a microfiber cloth attached to a mop or broom.
If you change the sheets in a bedroom, do this before starting to vacuum.
5. Clean Mirrors and Windows
Start with a microfiber cloth that has been dampened with your cleaning solution. Have a separate dry cloth to wipe down each glass surface after cleaning with your damp cloth.
6. Use A Disinfectant
Some surfaces should be disinfected. Countertops, appliances, cabinets, doorknobs, light switches, and TV remotes should be periodically disinfected. Cleaning and disinfecting these surfaces will help to make your home a healthy and germ-free environment. An excellent solution to use is one that you can make yourself. Create a solution by mixing one-fourth to a half cup of white or apple cider vinegar with a cup of water.
7. Tubs, Sinks, and Toilets
You can perform this step all at once. Spray cleaner on the kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, tubs, and toilets. Allow the cleaner to sit for a few minutes. Allowing the cleaning solution to sit, it will have time to dissolve dirt and stains. Your first room will be the kitchen, then proceed to the bathrooms. The last to clean will always be the toilets.
We refer you to the blog post if you also want to clean your garbage disposal.
8. Sweep First, then Mop
Always start with the sweep. After sweeping then, you proceed to mop. You must begin at the point furthest away from where you want to stop. Never mop yourself into a corner. When you have mopped an area of about four feet by four feet, then stop and rinse your Mop.
9. Vacuum In One Pass
You will be able to see anything significant, so do not focus on vacuuming every single square inch. Run your vacuum over every carpeted service just once. If you think you may have missed something or a section needs a double pass, then go for it.
Again, for efficiency, consider what needs to be done and how often. Some tasks may need to be done every week, and others once per month. Make decisions on how often based on your judgment.
10. Keep your Cleaning Tools Clean
We have found that an overlooked part of cleaning the house is keeping your cleaning tools in good shape. Make sure that your vacuum bag is not filled. It will not vacuum as well if the bag is full. In the name of efficiency, keep your cleaning tools operating at an efficient and effective level.
11. Teamwork Counts
If the members of your household can work as a team, then this is a very effective way to clean your home quickly. It may be best to set a schedule with assignments for each person. Do not underestimate how to keep these cleaning task assignment fun and rewarding. A special treat for the team will go a long way toward maintaining a positive team attitude leading to a clean home for everyone.
Call us at 802-295-6065 if you live in the Upper Valley and need extra support to keep your home clean and tidy. We have provided homeowners of the Upper Valley with top-notch home cleaning services since 1993.